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Suspension of Certificate

A certificate may be suspended for a limited time in cases where:

  • Evidence of widespread failure to implement the Management System requirements for a period of time not less than 3 months
  • Failure to permit re-certification or surveillance audits to be conducted at the required frequencies
  • Falsification and/or fabrication of records of implementation
  • Failure to respond to Corrective Action Requests
  • Non-payment of certification fees owed to AJA Egypt
  • Complaints having not been addressed in an appropriate manner
  • Expiry of a certificate after the 3 year registration period has elapsed
  • Request from the client for voluntary suspension
  • Any special visit due to the any serious incident and the involvement of the competent authorities. Based the result this may impact on certification. i.e. suspension or withdrawn

The company shall immediately cease to identify the coverage of any certificate under suspension. AJA Egypt shall notify in writing an official suspension of certificate to the company, this notification will indicate the conditions that will allow removal of the suspension. At the end of the suspension period an investigation will be undertaken to determine whether the required conditions for removal of suspension have been followed. If the conditions have been satisfied the certificate will be re-instated, if the conditions have not been satisfied the certificate shall be withdrawn.

All costs associated with suspension and subsequent re-instatement of the certificate will be charged to the certificate holding company.